IQZ-Training „Verification and Validation of Product Reliability” 12.-14. September 2023, Wuppertal
Are you involved in product verification and validation and need a compact overview? Do you want to increase your understanding of the context between reliability and testing activities? Do you want to be able to optimize your test planning?
Then take part in our three-day IQZ-Training „Verification and Validation of Product Reliability (PVV)“ and benefit from our know-how!
Tuesday, 12th September til Thursday 14th September 2023, Time: 09:00 a.m – 16:30 p.m.
W-tec Wuppertal, Heinz-Fangman-Str. 4, Haus 5, 42287 Wuppertal
Event Title:
IQZ-Training „Verification and Validation of Product Reliability”
Price 1.799,00 Euro excl. VAT
(Discount: the price is reduced to 1.679,00 Euro excl. VAT per participant for two participants or more from one company)

Dr.-Ing. Dirk Althaus / IQZ GmbH

Johannes Heinrich / IQZ GmbH
State-of-the-art product reliability verification and validation (PVV) can help you test your products more effectively. Improved testing can help to reduce costs and to minimize risks regarding product liability.
The training will enable you to transfer the load and stress into tests and to develop a most optimal PVV strategy. The goal is to develop a holistic PVV plan across all phases of product development that is as effective as possible.

- Overview on PVV and the PDP
- Further understanding on reliability topics
- Understanding on basic methods regarding PVV
- Understanding on PVV-planning
Course Benefits:
- Understand PVV-plans and their results
- Create PVV-plans on your own
- Assist to derive relevant parameters for PVV
- Assist to determine relevant PVV-methods
- Discuss PVV-plans with PVV-Experts
This training consists of a mix of theory and practical exercises. The practical exercises are supported by MS Excel templates and are worked on together.
Course Materials:
Participants need to have a laptop with MS Excel. Template files without macros for the exercises are provided
This course is specially designed for:
Project leaders, project managers/officers/developers from development & design, testing and quality representatives from almost all industries such as automotive technology, railroad technology, medical technology, mechanical engineering, consumer goods, etc.
Please register online here !
We are looking forward to your registration!

Nehmen Sie Kontakt auf!
Christiane Schmieta
Assistentin der Geschäftsführung
- +49 (0)202 – 515 616 90